Feb 22, 2009

"The Educator" Dedicated at Ocean City Library

If you haven't already visited Ocean City's new library at 1003 Coastal Highway, here's one more reason to do so.

A life-size bronze sculpture, "The Educator," honoring Principal Herman H. Sorin, was unveiled and dedicated at the Ocean City Library on Friday. The sculpture shows Mr. Sorin sitting on a bench and reading to his young daughter (Janice Sorin Wainwright). It was commissioned by Mrs. Eunice Q. Sorin in honor of her husband and daughter, and Mrs. Sorin selected the Ocean City Library as the appropriate home for the artwork. The sculpture is near the main entrance inside the library, directly across from the librarians' checkout desk.

Herman H. Sorin was principal of Whaleyville Elementary School, 1952-1954; Ocean City Elementary School, 1954-1958; and Buckingham Elementary School, 1958-1971.
The sculptor is Michael D. Jernigan of Tallahassee, Fla., and the work was cast at Turner Sculpture in Onley, Va. (Mr. Jernigan told a standing-room-only audience at the library Friday that it is OK to touch the bronze statue.)

The sculpture is pictured above, and at right, Andrea Schlottman, Ocean City Library branch manager, admires the new artwork. Much more on the new library to come in future posts.

1 comment:

  1. i think it is great to have been given so much about O.C. as we get from Mr. Hayden and this these are important, little known facts of knowledge.
    Makry Bogdan Hauf
